Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Five Things I Haven't Had Time To Do Lately

1. Update mah blog. Obvsly.
I've spent the last several days preparing, organizing and rocking faces off, so I've been a little busy. How does one prepare and organize to rock faces off, you ask? The only thing I can tell you is that it does not involve updating your blog that focuses on being unfocused. Focus was a big part of the last week for me. And faces were rocked. Completely off.

Example A: Stayed up til 1:30am Monday night(really late for me because I'm Queen of the Lame)working on a presentation for work. Gave presentation yesterday. Humbly accepted compliments on it throughout the day. *ahem* Essentially, what I had to do was break down what social media is, why it's important and how it can be utilized by my company and our clients. And I'm sooooooooo not an expert, just a person who has passion for media, sees the abundant opportunities within this new realm and wants to find a way to move the company forward. I think I accomplished what I set out to do, so it felt great.

Example B: The other thing I've been focused on is our caucus in the 6th senate district in Kansas last night. I got handed a leadership role in my district by the Kansas Obama campaign and took it very seriously. So, in addition to rocking faces off at my job, I've been pulling people together, buying supplies and preparing for the caucus. Last night, our team spent 3.5 hours herding 800 people into a tiny foyer of a middle school so they could register/sign-in for the caucus. Then we became cheerleaders once we got everyone into the caucus room, keeping them fired up while they waited. And then we counted. And we won. Faces rocked right off. And I got to keep this nifty button:

2. Clean my house.

It's gross. Like First Apartment gross. You'd think I was on some kind of crazy David Hasselhoff-style bender with all the crap piled in the kitchen and everywhere.

3. Grooming.
Hairy werewolf legs, half-assed attempts at not smelling like a pile of dirty clothes, eyebrows rebelling wildly from lack of attention, and I haven't applied a stitch of makeup in three days.

4. Sleeping.
It's for pussies anyway.

5. Be a mom.
I've had to hand Mason over to his dad three of the last four days because of my schedule. This is the part I hate most of all. I think I'll take him on a Laundromat Date tomorrow where we can play arcade games and eat junk food and laugh at ourselves. But, and I love this analogy, just like the safety announcements on airplanes, you have to adjust your oxygen mask before your kid's in a crisis situation. So, tonight I will be bubbling in a bubble bath where no faces will be present. Your face is safe. For now.

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